Intercessory Prayer

Intercessory Prayer

One of the many gifts that Jesus has given to His church is that of healing prayer.

Spending time in prayer ministry is one way to offer your pain or suffering to Jesus and allow Him to begin the healing process. St. Damian has Prayer Ministers who have completed a formation program for this ministry. They are available to pray with you as the need arises in your life.


Prayer After Sunday Mass

Two or three members of the Intercessory Prayer Ministry are available after each mass on the third Sunday of every month. The prayer takes place in the north-east corner of the church under the statue of St. Michael the Archangel. Prayer requests always remain anonymous, and no appointment is necessary.


Private Appointments

You may call the Pastoral Center at 708.687.1370 to request a private appointment with an Intercessory Prayer Team. There is no charge for this appointment. This time will be dedicated to your prayer needs and takes place in a private and confidential setting in our Pastoral Center located at 5250 155th Street.

 Intercessory Prayer Ministry does not take the place of counseling or the Sacraments. It is not spiritual direction, problem solving or for the purposes of giving advice. Typical prayer needs are: job loss, financial difficulties, physical illness, strained or broken relationships, and coping with difficult childhood experiences.

 Prayer Ministers will help you experience God meeting you in your particular need. The prayers may include songs of praise, scripture or silence. You will be expected to explain the needs that brought you to the Prayer Ministry, and to be willing to participate in the prayer maintaining an openness to the healing presence of Jesus.


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