Volunteering With Children
The Safe Environment Office educates clergy, employees and volunteers of the Archdiocese of Chicago on how to prevent sexual abuse, recognize grooming behaviors and create safe environments for children and young people in our parishes, schools and community. In addition, the Safe Environment Office is responsible for tracking the screening of clergy, employees and volunteers.
Every employee and volunteer who works with or around children must complete the required training before employment or volunteering. The St. Damian Site Administrator is responsible for insuring all volunteers and employees are in compliance. The current Site Administrator is:
Connie Swidergal
Archdiocesan Compliance Components
Create an account at virtusonline.org.
To find our location (St. Damian School or St. Damian Parish) you must choose the Archdiocese of Chicago first. Next you will receive a dropdown menu of Chicago locations to choose from. All training and documentation will be recorded there. Upon creation of the account, you will be prompted to do several things:
Read the
Archdiocesan Standards of Behavior document, sign and date it electronically. Do not print it out.
Complete and submit the online
Criminal Background Check. Do not print out the results.
Complete the online "Protecting God's Children" Training module. Your certificate of completion will be automatically recorded in your account, no need to print a copy.
Monthly bulletins will be assigned through VIRTUS. Read them in a timely manner and answer the question at the end.
The State of Illinois requires volunteers to take an online
Mandated Reporter Training.
Click here for link to the training.
Your certificate of completion must be submitted to the Site Administrator either electronically or submit a paper copy through the office. An Acknowledgement form, the DCFS CANTS 22
form will also be generated. Please sign and submit to the Site Administrator. If you cannot see that on the webpage, print one here.
A DCFS CANTS 689 form must be submitted annually to the Site Administrator either by email or paper copy submitted to the office. Do not send it to DCFS.
Click here for a link to the Archdiocese of Chicago Safe Environment Office webpage.