LGTBQ+ Questions

LGTBQ+ Questions

Gender Identity and LGBTQ+ questions

As a single, all encompassing source, Person and Identity  is an excellent Catholic resource. The Person and Identity Project provides formation, resources, and pastoral guidance on issues of faith, “gender,” and sexual identity is an excellent Catholic resource.

Catholic Answers - Q & A forum where any question can be asked.

Courage International - an apostolate for all affected: people dealing with same sex attraction and their families, friends and co-workers.

Changed Movement - a collection of testimonies from persons who once identified as LBGTQ+.

Freedom March - former LBGTQ+ individuals share their stories.


Eden Invitation - Catholic personhood beyond the LBTGQ+ paradigm.


Reintegrative Therapy - a site for professionals and therapists to be informed and for persons seeking self directed counseling.

Ascension Presents You Tube Channel:

   Jackie Angel talks with Kim Zember, a lesbian woman offering support for those struggling with gay attractions. 

Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters by Abigail Shrier.

   Author Abigail Shrier speaks on Science, the Transgender Phenomenon, and the Young.

    Abigail Shrier is interviewed by Jordan Peterson about her book Irreversible Damage.

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