If you have attended 9:30am Mass you may have seen some enthusiastic 4 and 5 year olds joining the Little Lambs teachers at the start of the Mass for their very own hour of learning about Jesus. The children will begin Mass with their parent(s) and be called forward by the priest to be sent out with Catechists from Mass. Each week we read our lesson from the Benzinger Series - Stories of God’s Love. After our prayers, we work on a chapter in our book and then do a small project, reflecting something we discussed in the lesson.
Registration is required to participate in Little Lambs. Forms are available in the Narthex at the Information Table, online here, in the RE office or you can fill out the form below. Forms sent on the weekend will not be received until Monday morning. A copy of our calendar is available in the Narthex by the Religious Education bulletin board (by the SHOP table).
There will be many surprises awaiting your Little Lamb in the weeks ahead! Please join Mrs. Sliwinski, Mrs. DeSpain and our aides for an exciting year!
Little Lambs Registration Form