You are invited to step away from life as it is ...and spend time focusing on you and Jesus this Lent.
The retreat will be led by a St. Damian favorite, Fr. Mike Knotek. Fr. Mike will offer presentations based on the meaning and personal importance of Jesus in the Eucharist. Mass will be celebrated each day. Time will be offered to pray the rosary, spend time in Eucharistic Adoration, and private prayer. There will also be time for discussion of the presentations, and fellowship with the community gathered on retreat.
February 24 & 25 – Women’s Retreat, “The Eucharist Makes Us Better Women”
March 2 & 3 – Men’s Retreat, “The Eucharist Makes Us Better Men”
Start time 9:00a.m. Saturday, Ends 1:30p.m. Sunday
Where: Mt. Assisi Center, 13860 Main St., Lemont, IL
Cost: $80 for overnight stay and meals
$50 for commuters and meals
Retreat Presenter: Fr. Michael Knotek
Reservations required. Fill out the form below or contact Frieda Bertello (708)342-8529,